We hit the beach this morning surf was up water was off color. Managed 1 small Snook on a size 2 all white marabou minnow

- Published in Inshore, Uncategorized
4/30/20: Exit coronavirus lockdown, enter great fishing
Great news all around! The boat ramps have opened back up, the lighted docks are fishing well, and albies are showing up already offshore.

- Published in Dock Light Snook, Offshore, Uncategorized
We had a tuff night getting to Snook. Found a few light’s that were holding some really nice fish just couldn’t stay buttoned. 3″ marabou tail with ccf body fur in white with olive polar fibre back on a size 1 hook is what we throwing.

- Published in Dock Light Snook
My Grandson got his 1st Snook on his 1st cast. He landed 2 & got 3 others into leader using size 2 & 4 all white Schminnows. This morning very low tide we missed a Snook & Tarpon on big yellow popper.

- Published in Dock Light Snook
The past 2 morning’s Kirk from D.C. had good dock light fishing. Didn’t land any monster’s but we had shot’s. Sun came up we headed up river for some top water action, Unfortunately he missed the 2 eat’s he had. Then headed further up river looking for baby Tarpon he had multiple shot’s just couldn’t get a bite.

- Published in Dock Light Snook
Lights fished very well this morning. Light’s we hit had 20 – 30 Snook on them. Size 2 marabout tail pearl estaz body & olive polor fibre wing.
We ran the beach for a bit & ad quite a few shot’s @ Tarpon but couldn’t get a bite.

- Published in Dock Light Snook
05/08/2019 Freshwater is on Fire!
Sorry for the lack of reports but we’ve have been busy updating the site. We’ve been fishing freshwater & it’s been really good. Big Peacock Bass taking bright colored Clousers. Mixed in have been Jaguar Guapote, Large mouth Bass & Mayan Cichlids. Yesterday we hit a small lake in Jupiter and got our 1st FW Snook & had numerous shots at Tarpon

- Published in Peacock bass