We hit the FW lakes looking to check off Peacock Bass off the bucket list. Fishing was very good water was hi & clean but very weedy. Size 2 & 4 Yellow Clousers were what we used.
- Published in Peacock bass
We hit the FW lakes for Peacocks. The water was high & dirty from all the rain this week. So no sight fishing but the bite was epic. We used white Schminnows & chartreuse Clousers in size 2.

- Published in Uncategorized
5/30/2019 Peacock bass
Lakes are low but the Peacock Bass fishing was really good. Bright colored Clousers with Gold flash & 12# fluorocarbon tippet.

- Published in Peacock bass
05/08/2019 Freshwater is on Fire!
Sorry for the lack of reports but we’ve have been busy updating the site. We’ve been fishing freshwater & it’s been really good. Big Peacock Bass taking bright colored Clousers. Mixed in have been Jaguar Guapote, Large mouth Bass & Mayan Cichlids. Yesterday we hit a small lake in Jupiter and got our 1st FW Snook & had numerous shots at Tarpon

- Published in Peacock bass