
After getting broken off by a tarpon last night we got some redemption on a very nice Snook this morning. Lost another 1. There was a lot of Pilchard’s, Mullet, & Rain Bait on the beach this morning. Both fish today were taken on a 2/0 White/Chartreuse wig & jig Clouser.


The beach was loaded with Mullet of different size’s this evening. Hooked a Tarpon & broke the leader instantly.


With the hurricane coming we hit the beach early this morning. New Moon coming tonight surf was up & the Snook were chewing. We hooked 5 & landed 2 up to 30″. White/Olive clouser heavily dressed about 3′ long.


Hit the beach this evening surf was up. We hooked 3 fish on a white/chartreuse clouser about 3″ long. Landed this beast great fight on a 10′ 7 weight.


We hit the beach this morning & it had lot’s of bait. Glass Minnow’s Pilchards & some Mullet. Lost an over slot Snook on a white/olive clouser tied on a jig hook chewed through the 30 # shock.


The river was alive this morning. Only thing it was small fish. Jack’s Ladies Atlantic Croaker , but managed to end the morning with a baby Tarpon.

Most fish were taken on size 4 brown clouser’s with gold flash. Tarpon was taken on a size 2 purple/black bunny strip & estaz.


Tried a golf pond just before sunset to see what was in this tiny little pond. White/Brown Clousers size 2.


Very slow morning. Dick lights small Jacks & a few Snook. Size 2 white schminnows.

Went up river & no tide only saw a few rolling Tarpon.


Offshore was pretty good this morning. There’s still plenty of Albies around mixed are nice sized Rainbow Runner’s. All fish were taken on size2 Clousers in white/olive & white/chartreuse


We’ve been on the beach most mornings & there loaded with Mullet Pilchard’s & small Glass Minnow’s. All we’ve gotten into were tiny Jack’s & Lady Fish. If you find the Mullet there’s been some big Tarpon with them.