My Grandson had a great day Fishing on Albies & Rainbow Runners blue/white Clousers size 2’s that he tied yesterday

- Published in Offshore
We had a very good day offshore. Loads of Albie’s jumped a Dolphin & 1-3 on Shark’s. Albie’s were taken on white/blue & white /brown Clouser’s. Sharks were taken on big orange havkle fly’s

- Published in Offshore
Round 7 with the Boy’s from Finland & they ended the trip on a high note. They had the Albie’s to 20 #’s today along with a few rainbow Runner’s. Unfortunately we missed a really nice Cobia.

- Published in Offshore
We had to work for them today. Shark’s were really bad. 2 broken rod’s & way to many fly line’s. Guy’s were throwing big bait fish pattern’s 4-6″ in white blue white pink & white grey.

- Published in Offshore
Day 5 with the boys from Finland. Fishing was awesome until the storm came through Fish were chewing on all the fly’s they were throwing. Mostly 5 – 7″ baitfish pattern’s. We had a Bull Shark eat a Bob’s Banger. Shark’s took a few to many of our fish.

- Published in Offshore
Today was as good if not better then yesterday. The boy’s from Finland really put a hurting on the Albie’s today. 1-Rainbow Runner & 1 Mahi.
They were throwing a bunch of different fly’s today from medium size Clouser’s to bright colored Deciever’s. Shark’s were pretty bad today.

- Published in Offshore

Today was a brutal weather day, Had on & off rain wind wave’s. The guy’s hung in there & put a good catch together. Albie’s Blue & Rainbow Runners along with a small Dolphin. All fish were caught on Clouser’s 3-5″ in a variety color’s.

- Published in Offshore
We had to deal with some wind rain & waves this morning. Then it laid down a little & the fish were chewing well today. Clousers of different sizes color’s & big deceivers & even got some on popper’s.

- Published in Offshore