
Chased busting fish feeding on baby Flying Fish this morning. We had an excellent day Shark’s weren’t to bad.


They were chewing Squid & deciever style fly’s today really good


We had a tuff night getting to Snook. Found a few light’s that were holding some really nice fish just couldn’t stay buttoned. 3″ marabou tail with ccf body fur in white with olive polar fibre back on a size 1 hook is what we throwing.


Offshore today was very good. Load’s of Albie’s some Rainbow Runner’s & had a shot @ a Sail Fish


Great day on the Albie’s today with Mike & Melissa. 4-6″ bait fish patterns & size 2 Clouser’s work today.


Fished my good friend Kristen owner of Nautilus Reels this morning. He fished a floating line with all white game changers and we had a blast until the wind came up.


Chris & his son Cooper had a great day offshore today. Cooper lost a monster to a Shark, All fish caught on 3-4″ Clousers in white/brown white/blue & white/sea foam green. Rainbow & Blue Runner’s were also plentiful.


We had a great day offshore today Loads of Albie’s & Rainbow Runner’s. 13 year old Zack crushed them on Clousers in size 2 white/sea foam green white/lavender 3-4″ long.


My Grandson got his 1st Snook on his 1st cast. He landed 2 & got 3 others into leader using size 2 & 4 all white Schminnows. This morning very low tide we missed a Snook & Tarpon on big yellow popper.


My Grandson is having a blast. Load’s of Rainbow Runner’s a long with Albie’s of mixed size’s. Shark’s were a bit of a PIA.